Flickering answers (fire ready):
re: physical modeling synthesis
Shape a sound image of fire, favoring an (non-)object(ive)-like illusion over a dramatic arch or progressional development.
Avoid accuracy of image, setting digital artifacts only to outline impressions of fire (to let the attention of the listener posses the choice of illusion.)
re: masking and inversion
Determine fake fire effects on-site, within the masks of sounds of site (water, wind, birds, leaves falling), and filter them through a stand-alone wall.
(Fire is not meant to be heard up close / fake fire can only be heard mediated by the environments in which it does not exist.)
re: scale
Listen to various sized speakers to determine illusory scale significance between evoked fire and speaker size/fidelity.
Compose and superimpose multiple fires and flame motions based on speaker size/response: large booming fire, mid-size crackling fire, hyperreal candle flicker, etc.
re: creating an image
Flatten stereoscopic image into the presence of a wall and stare at its fake consumption (initial undulation of false image vanishing.)
Follow insignificance through: realize a field recording (falsification of false image.)
Follow relevance of insignificance through: broadcast fake fire (consumption of false image in state of vanishing.)
(“In presence of the image that dreams, it must be taken as an invitation to continue the daydream that created it.” – G. Bachelard)