Debris Field

Madelynne Cornish 2024

“Debris Field” is an audio-visual project that investigates the impact of climate change on Falls Creek Ski Resort, utilising an experimental sound and video art approach. The project envisions a dystopian future where the once-thriving ski resort is abandoned and transformed by the relentless forces of climate change. Through a combination of soundscapes and visual media, “Debris Field” portrays a stark and haunting narrative of environmental collapse and human absence.

The sound component of the project incorporates field recordings from Falls Creek, some of which are digitally altered to evoke a sense of desolation and decay. These sounds are layered with electronic tones and ambient noises, creating an immersive auditory experience that mirrors the eerie silence of an abandoned landscape. The visuals complement the soundscapes, featuring footage of the resort’s deteriorating infrastructure, melting snow, and encroaching vegetation. The visuals are often manipulated to enhance the dystopian atmosphere, with slow-motion sequences, colour desaturation, and glitch effects that suggest a world out of balance.

Drawing on themes from climate fiction, “Debris Field” imagines a future where the impacts of climate change have rendered Falls Creek uninhabitable and forsaken. The project serves as a powerful commentary on the potential consequences of inaction, using the resort as a microcosm for broader environmental degradation. By immersing audiences in this speculative yet plausible scenario, “Debris Field” aims to provoke reflection on the urgent need for sustainable practices and climate action. Through its experimental approach, the project emphasises the fragility of human-made environments and the stark realities of a changing climate.

Image–Madelynne Cornish 2024